Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The absolute need for new ideas to penetrate the black community

The Absolute need for new ideas to penetrate the black community

Greetings to you I am Brother Kenyan Muhammad from mosque #27 in Los Angeles, California. This article is to shine light and awareness towards the absolute need for new ideas to reach the black community. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches us that the law of cause and effect is real and wherever we see the effects of a thing we are to know something caused it. This teaching helps us accept that there is no mystery god and if you want something, it is solely on you to go to work and produce your vision into reality. Brother Nuri, who is the student minister at the Indianapolis mosque, made a statement that resonated with me. He stated: “work like everything depends on you and pray like everything depends on Allah”. This stuck with me because The gift of free “will” is, God giving you a part of his self to achieve whatever you put your mind to that’s in accordance with His universal plan. When you look into all communities, there is a percentage of people that are deeply oppressed by ignorance. However, you see the benefits of civilization through the respect of their women and you see the demonstration of life through the conducting of business. This is present in all communities until you reach the Black community. It appears as if for every inch of progress other parts of the human family make, the Black man and women lose two inches. For example According to a new Brandeis University study the average white family has a net worth of $265,000 compared to the average black family net worth of $28,000.  The law of cause and effect is gravely overlooked and people begin to mislabel the Black man as lazy and irresponsible. Though, these characteristics are highly present in our communities, it just makes us look deeper to discover what is the root of this disconnect that is blocking the rise of the Black race. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us, and his best student is still teaching that we should, “study the operations of the white man; for he makes no excuses for his failures he is successful”. I know I have barley scraped the surface on what those words mean but I have had some direction to start in thanks  to Allah giving us Minister Farrakhan. In studying the white/black relations, you begin to see the actual cause of our despair.  The cause can be found in the book, “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews: Volumes 1&2” sold at This book breaks down the process of dehumanizing and mental margining that we went through as a people via slavery and many years after it as share croppers and lawful prey to a parasitic people. We were labeled 3\5s a human being because they knew they had reduced us to a Frankenstein type of condition. They called us 3\5s a human being because they knew they took 2/5s from us, the knowledge of self and the knowledge of God. Some would say that was 200 to 400 years ago and we should get over it and forget it. However, we say, as the Jews say, “Never again”. After being mentally & spiritually destroyed what kind of legacy could they leave us behind after slavery? What kind of inheritance were others getting off of our 400years of torment? What kind of values were we left as a people? When we begin to analyze our “culture” we see much of it is destructive and was forced upon us and needs to be made new. There is a lack of healthy food in our communities, with the consumption of fast food and swine still at an all-time high. There is a lack of good financial guidance in our communities this can be seen in the lack of black owned business and incarnation rates. We do not put our money together and open businesses that serve the needs of our community. The majority of us are employees and not employers. Although, there is nothing wrong with being an employee, there is something wrong with a lack of employers coming out of our communities. What are we being taught and trained in? We cannot cry the white man anymore when we have entertainers such as P-diddy and Jay-Z whom are worth over a billion together. Yet, they have not gone back and purchased the projects and made them safer, nor put better food in the community? We have multi-millionaires such as Dr.Dre who would partner with Jimmy Iovine to donate 70million to USC to form a new degree and completely overlook HBUC’s who are in dire need of such donations. This represents a lack of knowledge and desire to raise our people from their current depraved condition. I would also like to add that no one came here to repair what happened to us and no one came to teach us the knowledge that has caused other parts of the human family soar above us. The federal government has not addressed our issue even with a Blackman in office the only one who came was God himself when he recognized the oldest member of his human family had been completely slain and ejected out of the building of this world. Allah (God) has given us this monumental teaching through The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and is still giving it again through the Jesus in our midst, Minister Farrakhan. The only solutions that have been giving to just a fraction of the problems I have listed above are all found in the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and are in the mouth of the Jesus today, Minister Farrakhan. Some people have accused Minister Farrakhan of leading us astray because he involved us in Dianetics through the technology of auditing. The scriptures say “what man with light would hide it under a bushel basket?" I am completely thankful to Allah (God) for making this process known through the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his disciples. This process removes the tremendous stress that weighs on oppressed and hurt people today. It, also, allows us to make decisions off 100% knowledge and not the fear of being hurt again by something that didn’t work out in the past. With new research coming out of the Emory School Of medicine in Atlanta on the passage of traumatic & stressful experiences to the subsequent generations it is more apparent that minister Farrakhan is right and exact in guiding us to dianetics. No other entity is carefully working to understand and cure the ails of the black race and ultimately all of humanity like the nation of Islam. This is the day of separation: ignorance from intelligence, rebellion from submission, and life from death. The stage has been set and the question has been asked who will survive the war of Armageddon? Are you eating correctly to withstand the growing radioactive environment? Are you saving and investing in land to be ready for the fall of the dollar? Are you storing food in your home to be prepared for destructive weather and earthquakes? The followers of the Most Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan are. I say come on and come from under that old stressed out way of thinking and put in the new mind and let’s build a world for the rejected and oppressed people that all people can find justice in! Support the aims of the Nation of Islam for you are ultimately supporting God and yourself.


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